(1) Question: Do human beings have a natural tendency to good, a natural tendency to evil, or some combination of tendencies? What are the implications of the answer for ethics?
(2) Conceptual Clarifications:
This specific questions raises several conceptual concepts that people face on a daily basis. Some of the key important ones are moral values, moral judgement, beliefs, and obligations.
(3) Answer:
Everyday we are given we are faced with the challenge of life. We face many situations and challenges that test our judgement, beliefs and moral values. Humans have the tendency to either do good and possibly do bad. There are so many situations that we as human being face in life, that it is hard to determine which path way humans will choose, Good or Bad? I believe that many humans go with their first initial reaction. What this means is that they go with what they feel in that moment; initially testing our judgement and moral values.
(4) Example:
One example of this question would be a if one were to get into a dispute at a bar. the situation starts to worsen when someone gets pushed. Now the victim of this situation could either decide to react and push back,which would be the bad thing to do...or they can try and walk away because they think that it is morally wrong.
(5) Word Count:
(6) Image:
Optional. Find a video or picture that relates to the question.
(7) References:
Ruggiero. (2008). Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues. McGraw Hill.
Google book search. Good and Evil. Interpreting a Human condition. Edward Farley.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Assignment #10
(1) Choose one inquiry, from inquiries 1 - 28 (pages 114 - 117). Indicate which inquiry you chose, and then briefly explain it in your own words:
I chose inquiry number 7. It states that people who are involved in advertising create ads in to which lead people on. For example, choosing specific words and images will lead the consumer that a certain brand could possibly bring friendship, love and happiness.
(2) Stakeholders: Name each person, group, organization, etc., that has a stake in this outcome.
The advertisers have a stake in the outcome because what they advertise could possibly send the wrong message to consumers. The consumers also have a stake in this outcome because they are feeding off what is being advertised and possibly think that it might result in friendship, love, success, or happiness.
(3) Are the details given sufficient? Why or why not? I think that the details are more than sufficent. It states what advertisers do and how they do it. Also mentioning how we the consumer fall for the information that the advertisers provide.
(4) What additional questions does this inquiry raise?
Who are these consumers? Do these concumers buy these products often? By creating these advertisements, is the sale rate of the product increase?
1. Obligations (aka "duties"): Optional this week
2. Moral Ideals (aka "virtues"): See breakdown of ideals below
3. Consequences (aka "outcomes" or "results"): Optional this week
NOTE: Not ALL of the following ideals will apply! Only consider the main ones that you believe apply, in the inquiry you chose. Don't just pick the easy ones to consider, because you didn't take the time to thoroughly read the chapter and learn what each one of these actually means. I will quiz you when we do group work on Thursday.
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Prudence: This virture applies because the advertisers should, but are not always, truthful to the consumers. when trying to raise awareness about their product the advertisers need to not only understand the consumers wants and needs, but give them the truth about what they might possibly purchase.
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Justice:
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Temperance: This virtue applies because the consumer should be able to control themselves from their desires. As viewed by Aristotle, "holding self-indulgence to be childish." "the hallmarks of temperence are moderation and restraint of one's desires and passions."
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Courage:
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Loving Kindness:
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Honesty: I believe that honesty applies for the advertisers because they should be trutful to the consumers when promoting products. As the booked stated, "they choose words and images that convey the idea that buying a certain brand of clothing will bring friendship, atheltic or professional success, love, and happiness." How do we know this is true?
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Compassion:
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Forgiveness:
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Repentance:
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Reparation:
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Gratitude:
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Beneficence:
* Conflicting ideals--consider the relative importance of each; determine which ideal represents the greater good (or the lesser evil). See pages 110-11 for clarification.
The ideal that I feel represents the greater good(or the lesser evil) is honesty. In the book is says the the word honesty derives from the Latin word "honarable." This ideal is significant for the inquire that I chose becasue I feel that the advertisers should be true to the consumers. Promoting a product with the truth is the proper way to sell to the consumers.
Alternative #1:
For advertisers to convey the message to consumers in a honest manner. If the words and images that the advertisers are using support the product respectfully then that is better off for the consumer.
Alternative #2:
Cosumers should not always believe what they always see and here.
As a consumer you should know right from wrong and fake from real. That should be taken into consideration when watching or listening to advertisements.
Alternative #3: Although, this way of advertising could work for the advertisers and some consumer could find some of these products to be legit, so then if it is not broken keep going.
Examine the action taken or proposed and decide whether it achieves the greater good (the most widespread "respect for persons")...if it does not, choose one that will, from your alternatives. Where the choice of actions is such that no good can be achieved, choose the action that will result in the lesser evil.
Erase this sentence & insert your own answer. Justify your answer in DETAIL. Make sure you cite specific passages from the book and/or chapter, which helped you arrive at your conclusion...thus proving to me you read this book.
the action that was proposed from inquire number seven can go either way. It achieves the greater good only due to the fact that it states how advertisers pratice their job and how they convey consumers needs. Although, it misuses the honesty moral, in which advertisers are not neccessarily "honorable" to the consumers. This intails being truthful and refusing to mislead or decieve (p.109).
1. In your own words, describe something new that you learned from this week’s assigned reading material and guidance.
I learned that all of themoral ideals are important in someway. They reflect on what we like the actions/decision we make in life and if they were the right ones.
2. In your own words, describe in detail some insight you gained, about the material, from one of your classmates' blogs this week. Name the blog, and insert answer here.
I gained insight from JHH's blog because it explained what virture is and how it is similar to justice. That both must be treated equally, unless conflicting with each other.
3. Did you post a thoroughly completed post to your blog on time this week? Insert answer here.
YES, I believe I did so!
4. Did you ALSO print this out, so you can bring it to class and earn total points?
YES...you will see it with me! =)
5. Of 25 points total, my efforts this week deserve: Insert your JUSTIFIED answer here.
I believe that I deserve a total of 25 points. I carefully read through the chapter when over ever question with a lot of thought and consideration. I worked very hard on this blog and for being absent last week I feel that I did a pretty goodjob interpreting everything from my readings.
(1) Choose one inquiry, from inquiries 1 - 28 (pages 114 - 117). Indicate which inquiry you chose, and then briefly explain it in your own words:
I chose inquiry number 7. It states that people who are involved in advertising create ads in to which lead people on. For example, choosing specific words and images will lead the consumer that a certain brand could possibly bring friendship, love and happiness.
(2) Stakeholders: Name each person, group, organization, etc., that has a stake in this outcome.
The advertisers have a stake in the outcome because what they advertise could possibly send the wrong message to consumers. The consumers also have a stake in this outcome because they are feeding off what is being advertised and possibly think that it might result in friendship, love, success, or happiness.
(3) Are the details given sufficient? Why or why not? I think that the details are more than sufficent. It states what advertisers do and how they do it. Also mentioning how we the consumer fall for the information that the advertisers provide.
(4) What additional questions does this inquiry raise?
Who are these consumers? Do these concumers buy these products often? By creating these advertisements, is the sale rate of the product increase?
1. Obligations (aka "duties"): Optional this week
2. Moral Ideals (aka "virtues"): See breakdown of ideals below
3. Consequences (aka "outcomes" or "results"): Optional this week
NOTE: Not ALL of the following ideals will apply! Only consider the main ones that you believe apply, in the inquiry you chose. Don't just pick the easy ones to consider, because you didn't take the time to thoroughly read the chapter and learn what each one of these actually means. I will quiz you when we do group work on Thursday.
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Prudence: This virture applies because the advertisers should, but are not always, truthful to the consumers. when trying to raise awareness about their product the advertisers need to not only understand the consumers wants and needs, but give them the truth about what they might possibly purchase.
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Justice:
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Temperance: This virtue applies because the consumer should be able to control themselves from their desires. As viewed by Aristotle, "holding self-indulgence to be childish." "the hallmarks of temperence are moderation and restraint of one's desires and passions."
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Courage:
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Loving Kindness:
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Honesty: I believe that honesty applies for the advertisers because they should be trutful to the consumers when promoting products. As the booked stated, "they choose words and images that convey the idea that buying a certain brand of clothing will bring friendship, atheltic or professional success, love, and happiness." How do we know this is true?
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Compassion:
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Forgiveness:
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Repentance:
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Reparation:
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Gratitude:
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Beneficence:
* Conflicting ideals--consider the relative importance of each; determine which ideal represents the greater good (or the lesser evil). See pages 110-11 for clarification.
The ideal that I feel represents the greater good(or the lesser evil) is honesty. In the book is says the the word honesty derives from the Latin word "honarable." This ideal is significant for the inquire that I chose becasue I feel that the advertisers should be true to the consumers. Promoting a product with the truth is the proper way to sell to the consumers.
Alternative #1:
For advertisers to convey the message to consumers in a honest manner. If the words and images that the advertisers are using support the product respectfully then that is better off for the consumer.
Alternative #2:
Cosumers should not always believe what they always see and here.
As a consumer you should know right from wrong and fake from real. That should be taken into consideration when watching or listening to advertisements.
Alternative #3: Although, this way of advertising could work for the advertisers and some consumer could find some of these products to be legit, so then if it is not broken keep going.
Examine the action taken or proposed and decide whether it achieves the greater good (the most widespread "respect for persons")...if it does not, choose one that will, from your alternatives. Where the choice of actions is such that no good can be achieved, choose the action that will result in the lesser evil.
Erase this sentence & insert your own answer. Justify your answer in DETAIL. Make sure you cite specific passages from the book and/or chapter, which helped you arrive at your conclusion...thus proving to me you read this book.
the action that was proposed from inquire number seven can go either way. It achieves the greater good only due to the fact that it states how advertisers pratice their job and how they convey consumers needs. Although, it misuses the honesty moral, in which advertisers are not neccessarily "honorable" to the consumers. This intails being truthful and refusing to mislead or decieve (p.109).
1. In your own words, describe something new that you learned from this week’s assigned reading material and guidance.
I learned that all of themoral ideals are important in someway. They reflect on what we like the actions/decision we make in life and if they were the right ones.
2. In your own words, describe in detail some insight you gained, about the material, from one of your classmates' blogs this week. Name the blog, and insert answer here.
I gained insight from JHH's blog because it explained what virture is and how it is similar to justice. That both must be treated equally, unless conflicting with each other.
3. Did you post a thoroughly completed post to your blog on time this week? Insert answer here.
YES, I believe I did so!
4. Did you ALSO print this out, so you can bring it to class and earn total points?
YES...you will see it with me! =)
5. Of 25 points total, my efforts this week deserve: Insert your JUSTIFIED answer here.
I believe that I deserve a total of 25 points. I carefully read through the chapter when over ever question with a lot of thought and consideration. I worked very hard on this blog and for being absent last week I feel that I did a pretty goodjob interpreting everything from my readings.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Assignment #9
In this section, we're going to return for a moment to Chapter 7, to the section that discusses errors that are common in the analysis of moral issues (p. 89). Briefly explain each of the following errors in your own words, as if you were explaining the concept to a friend who had never taken this class (consider who, what, when, where, why, how, when); and then give an example of each one, preferably from your own past experience.
Unwarranted Assumptions: If I were to describe this to my friend I would use the same definition given from the text, meaning taking too much for granted. We deal with making unwarranted assumptions all the time. Never realizing it until after the situation already occurred. I know that there has been several times where I say to myself later on, "oh, I probably should not have said nor done that." My parents are a perfect example for this situation. All of my life they have provided me with everything that I have ever needed. Spending ridiculous amounts of money on me when I didn't work for a period of time and on top of that providing me with unconditional love and support.
When I lived in Tallahassee for a year my parents and I made a deal that they would pay rent and I would pay for everything else. Seemed pretty fair. Well there were periods where I could not work due to the overload from school. I would have to make the famous "phone call" to daddy and ask for some money. They always provided me with more than enough. But, knowing that I was going to receive this money I never really thanked them for it. I guess you could say I kind of expected it. (I sound like a brat I know!) Looking back, I never realized what my parents went through in order for me to live on my own and I never appreciated it, until one day there was no more and I was told that I needed to move back. I felt that my situation is a perfect example of unwarranted assumption. I took what they gave me for granted and now there is no more.
Oversimplification: My definition of oversimplification is simply using the easy way out. Basically, trying to figure out how you in the end will get the same results as everyone else, but only doing half the work.
The situation with steroids and professional baseball players is a good example of oversimplification. These professional baseball players are confessing up or being accused of taking "the juice." When people aka the fans found out about this they look at these so called role models differently. These players are taking the easy way out. They are injecting themselves with it, in which it will then make them stronger, powerful, and more likely to improve their stats. While the other non-steroid user players are working twice as hard, and either not having the same results if not worse. It is not fair to the players who do not touch the stuff, while on the other hand the ones who do use it still get the most recognition.
Hasty Conclusions: Simply means, that you judging a book by its cover. You judge based by what you see and not from what you know.
Sadly this occurs all the time. I know that I often have a tendency to Jude before I really know what’s going on. This can be with people, animals, movies, and pictures, whatever.
For example, my mother was never really too fond of dogs, big ones in particular. She always thought of them as being dirty, wild, and terrified they would destroy her home. One day my brother, who was coming in town for the weekend, told her that he was going to bring his roommates dog to our house. His roommate had also gone out of town, but was not able to take his dog and my brother also needed to come home for the weekend. My mother, who would have been against it, did not know he was bringing this massive dog to our home. I say massive because the dog was a rot. The minute he walked inside and cofi (dog name) came in right behind she freaked out.
After she settled down my mother started warming up to cofi, realizing that she was not some vicious beast and actually loving. The entire weekend my mother could not get enough of her.
Briefly answer the following "chapter opening" questions, in your own words, based on what you learned by studying chapter eight:
1. What do we do in situations where there is more than a single obligation?
In a situation such as this I feel in the end we go with our gut feeling. Knowing that both situations are important, we come to a decision as to which one will benefit us or that person as well. Pretty much, this will have he better outcome.
2. How can we reconcile conflicting obligations?
To reconcile a conflicting obligation we have to come to an understanding as to what in the end is going to be for the best. For example, where I work several people were just told that within the next couple months that they were going to be layed off. Due to the decline in the economy, the company had to come to a drastic decision based on cost and labor. The result of it was that they found labor for a cheaper cost which in the end helps them through this tough time.
1. In a nutshell, what is the most important thing, for you, that you learned from this assignment?
The most important thing that I have learned from this assignment is to not take things for granted or not to make unwarranted assumptions. Also try not to make any hasty conclusions for anything. That I need to be more open minded before I begin t judge anyone or anything based on only what I see.
2. How will you apply what you learned through this assignment to your everyday life?
Like I mentioned in question one, to value everything in my life and not take anything for granted. Also to be open minded. There are so many things that I have yet to experience or see in my life, hoping one day in my life I will get to experience them an open heart and mind.
3. What grade do you believe your efforts regarding
This assignment deserve? Justify your answer. I believe that I deserve a 25/25 on this assignment. I followed the instructions as well gave detailed examples for every question.
In this section, we're going to return for a moment to Chapter 7, to the section that discusses errors that are common in the analysis of moral issues (p. 89). Briefly explain each of the following errors in your own words, as if you were explaining the concept to a friend who had never taken this class (consider who, what, when, where, why, how, when); and then give an example of each one, preferably from your own past experience.
Unwarranted Assumptions: If I were to describe this to my friend I would use the same definition given from the text, meaning taking too much for granted. We deal with making unwarranted assumptions all the time. Never realizing it until after the situation already occurred. I know that there has been several times where I say to myself later on, "oh, I probably should not have said nor done that." My parents are a perfect example for this situation. All of my life they have provided me with everything that I have ever needed. Spending ridiculous amounts of money on me when I didn't work for a period of time and on top of that providing me with unconditional love and support.
When I lived in Tallahassee for a year my parents and I made a deal that they would pay rent and I would pay for everything else. Seemed pretty fair. Well there were periods where I could not work due to the overload from school. I would have to make the famous "phone call" to daddy and ask for some money. They always provided me with more than enough. But, knowing that I was going to receive this money I never really thanked them for it. I guess you could say I kind of expected it. (I sound like a brat I know!) Looking back, I never realized what my parents went through in order for me to live on my own and I never appreciated it, until one day there was no more and I was told that I needed to move back. I felt that my situation is a perfect example of unwarranted assumption. I took what they gave me for granted and now there is no more.
Oversimplification: My definition of oversimplification is simply using the easy way out. Basically, trying to figure out how you in the end will get the same results as everyone else, but only doing half the work.
The situation with steroids and professional baseball players is a good example of oversimplification. These professional baseball players are confessing up or being accused of taking "the juice." When people aka the fans found out about this they look at these so called role models differently. These players are taking the easy way out. They are injecting themselves with it, in which it will then make them stronger, powerful, and more likely to improve their stats. While the other non-steroid user players are working twice as hard, and either not having the same results if not worse. It is not fair to the players who do not touch the stuff, while on the other hand the ones who do use it still get the most recognition.
Hasty Conclusions: Simply means, that you judging a book by its cover. You judge based by what you see and not from what you know.
Sadly this occurs all the time. I know that I often have a tendency to Jude before I really know what’s going on. This can be with people, animals, movies, and pictures, whatever.
For example, my mother was never really too fond of dogs, big ones in particular. She always thought of them as being dirty, wild, and terrified they would destroy her home. One day my brother, who was coming in town for the weekend, told her that he was going to bring his roommates dog to our house. His roommate had also gone out of town, but was not able to take his dog and my brother also needed to come home for the weekend. My mother, who would have been against it, did not know he was bringing this massive dog to our home. I say massive because the dog was a rot. The minute he walked inside and cofi (dog name) came in right behind she freaked out.
After she settled down my mother started warming up to cofi, realizing that she was not some vicious beast and actually loving. The entire weekend my mother could not get enough of her.
Briefly answer the following "chapter opening" questions, in your own words, based on what you learned by studying chapter eight:
1. What do we do in situations where there is more than a single obligation?
In a situation such as this I feel in the end we go with our gut feeling. Knowing that both situations are important, we come to a decision as to which one will benefit us or that person as well. Pretty much, this will have he better outcome.
2. How can we reconcile conflicting obligations?
To reconcile a conflicting obligation we have to come to an understanding as to what in the end is going to be for the best. For example, where I work several people were just told that within the next couple months that they were going to be layed off. Due to the decline in the economy, the company had to come to a drastic decision based on cost and labor. The result of it was that they found labor for a cheaper cost which in the end helps them through this tough time.
1. In a nutshell, what is the most important thing, for you, that you learned from this assignment?
The most important thing that I have learned from this assignment is to not take things for granted or not to make unwarranted assumptions. Also try not to make any hasty conclusions for anything. That I need to be more open minded before I begin t judge anyone or anything based on only what I see.
2. How will you apply what you learned through this assignment to your everyday life?
Like I mentioned in question one, to value everything in my life and not take anything for granted. Also to be open minded. There are so many things that I have yet to experience or see in my life, hoping one day in my life I will get to experience them an open heart and mind.
3. What grade do you believe your efforts regarding
This assignment deserve? Justify your answer. I believe that I deserve a 25/25 on this assignment. I followed the instructions as well gave detailed examples for every question.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Blog Assignment #4
Part I.
1. Paragraph: Explain in your own words what Moral Relativism is—what do people who hold this view believe?
-My definition of Moral Relativism is when people believe in something and they tend to hold strongly to what they believe in. In other words, even if someone tries to give a different reason or justification for something it will still not have any influence on what you believe in. You in the end decide what is right for you as will you decide what you think is right for another person. People who hold this view believe that rules can be altered from one situation to another if there is enough justification to back it up.
2. Paragraph & Link: Find one online resources related to this topic—not Wikipedia. Explain in a brief paragraph what you learned about this topic through the resource you found; include the link at the end of your paragraph.
- After looking through and reading different sites, I came across one site that explained a simple understating of what Moral Relativism is. It stated that moral relativism came in two forms: Ethical subjectivism and cultural relativism. Ethical subjectivism means that it holds that morality is relative to individuals. While cultural relativism holds that it is relative to culture. Both deny the existence of moral absolutes, of objective moral truths that hold for all people in all places at all times. Basically stating that one should not try to ask an abstract question even if the situation may be considered good or bad, according to moral relativism. Also stating that there is no goodness and badness, that there is only goodness or badness if the context is specified.
3. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument doesn’t break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:
Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not Moral Relativism is a good view to hold.
Conclusion:Yes, Moral Relativism is a good view to hold
(1) because it allows you as a person to stand up for what you believe in and express yourself.
(2) people should be allowed to demonstrate themselves as an individual and express their own cultural beliefs.
(3) you become comfortable to discuss with others even if you may disagree on what they might have to say.
Conclusion: No, Moral Relativism is not a good view to hold.
(1.) Because one should not have to listen to others views points if they do not relate to yours.
(2.) Because everyone should believe and follow the same moral values.
(3). it is not right to make cross-culture comparisons.
Part II
1. Paragraph: Explain in your own words what a Majority View is. Cite your sources.
-Majority View is when you along with other people have a discussion and in the end all or more than half come to either the same agreement or have the same view points regarding that topic/issue. But even though there ma be a larger percentage favoring something, it necessarily doesn't mean that it will change anything.
2. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument doesn’t break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:
Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not the Majority View is a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
Conclusion: Majority View is a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
(1) because the more people that there are and come to the same agreement then the easier it is to come up with a solution.
(2) 51% is more than enough to conclude ethical-decision making
(3) it doesn't matter what the rest of the 49% think.
Conclusion: Majority View is not a reliable basis for ethical-decision making.
(1.) It is not fair for the votes that are not counted. Like the other 49%.
(2.) Because a good explanation is always better than no specific reason at all.
(3.) Because in the end it never turns out fair, and the higher percentage is rewarded in the end.
The Role of Feelings1. Paragraph: Explain in your own words what feelings are. Cite your sources.
- Feelings is when someone expresses their thoughts, opinions, and view points either about a specific topic or issue. Feeling can can be expressed physically, emotionally, or even through expressions. Feelings allow you to be able to react and express sensibility or emotion.
2. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument doesn’t break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:
Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not our feelings are a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
Conclusion: Feelings are a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
(1) it allows you to understand how others may feel regarding the situation/topic/issue.
(2) feelings is a source of expression and everyone should be allowed to express themselves freely.
(3) being able to express your feelings enables to feel comfortable expressing yourself in other situations.
Conclusion: Feelings are not a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
(1.) People should not come to decision based on their feelings.
(2.) Feelings tend to get in the way, which at times can make it harder to come to a decision.
(3.) Feelings can lead to people getting emotional and when making decisions there should be no emotions what so ever.
Part III
1. The ability to express yourself in your own words is essential in this class. Did you put everything in your own words this time?
- The majority of everything that I wrote I wrote in my own words. There might have been a few things that I got from the sites that I visited, but I did not copy anything word for word. I expressed everything in my own thoughts and words.
2. What was easiest / hardest about this assignment?
-The easiest part of this assignment was looking up and reading the information regarding these topics. The hardest had to have been coming up with the premises for some of the arguments and making sure that they followed the rules of the argument.
3. How will you apply what you learned through this assignment to your everyday life?
- This assignment has helped me understand the different view points that there are about moral relativism, majority views and feelings. That as a person we need to be able to listen to others and what they might have to say. Even though there are people who may not necessarily agree with what you think, nor do you agree with what they have to say, but that we need to be fair and allow people to express themselves openly.
4. How well do you think you did on this assignment? Explain.
- I think I did pretty well on this assignment. I have a better understanding of the following and I explained all of my answers clearly and thoughtfully. I gave in-depth explanations and supported it with my sources.
1. Paragraph: Explain in your own words what Moral Relativism is—what do people who hold this view believe?
-My definition of Moral Relativism is when people believe in something and they tend to hold strongly to what they believe in. In other words, even if someone tries to give a different reason or justification for something it will still not have any influence on what you believe in. You in the end decide what is right for you as will you decide what you think is right for another person. People who hold this view believe that rules can be altered from one situation to another if there is enough justification to back it up.
2. Paragraph & Link: Find one online resources related to this topic—not Wikipedia. Explain in a brief paragraph what you learned about this topic through the resource you found; include the link at the end of your paragraph.
- After looking through and reading different sites, I came across one site that explained a simple understating of what Moral Relativism is. It stated that moral relativism came in two forms: Ethical subjectivism and cultural relativism. Ethical subjectivism means that it holds that morality is relative to individuals. While cultural relativism holds that it is relative to culture. Both deny the existence of moral absolutes, of objective moral truths that hold for all people in all places at all times. Basically stating that one should not try to ask an abstract question even if the situation may be considered good or bad, according to moral relativism. Also stating that there is no goodness and badness, that there is only goodness or badness if the context is specified.
3. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument doesn’t break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:
Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not Moral Relativism is a good view to hold.
Conclusion:Yes, Moral Relativism is a good view to hold
(1) because it allows you as a person to stand up for what you believe in and express yourself.
(2) people should be allowed to demonstrate themselves as an individual and express their own cultural beliefs.
(3) you become comfortable to discuss with others even if you may disagree on what they might have to say.
Conclusion: No, Moral Relativism is not a good view to hold.
(1.) Because one should not have to listen to others views points if they do not relate to yours.
(2.) Because everyone should believe and follow the same moral values.
(3). it is not right to make cross-culture comparisons.
Part II
1. Paragraph: Explain in your own words what a Majority View is. Cite your sources.
-Majority View is when you along with other people have a discussion and in the end all or more than half come to either the same agreement or have the same view points regarding that topic/issue. But even though there ma be a larger percentage favoring something, it necessarily doesn't mean that it will change anything.
2. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument doesn’t break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:
Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not the Majority View is a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
Conclusion: Majority View is a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
(1) because the more people that there are and come to the same agreement then the easier it is to come up with a solution.
(2) 51% is more than enough to conclude ethical-decision making
(3) it doesn't matter what the rest of the 49% think.
Conclusion: Majority View is not a reliable basis for ethical-decision making.
(1.) It is not fair for the votes that are not counted. Like the other 49%.
(2.) Because a good explanation is always better than no specific reason at all.
(3.) Because in the end it never turns out fair, and the higher percentage is rewarded in the end.
The Role of Feelings1. Paragraph: Explain in your own words what feelings are. Cite your sources.
- Feelings is when someone expresses their thoughts, opinions, and view points either about a specific topic or issue. Feeling can can be expressed physically, emotionally, or even through expressions. Feelings allow you to be able to react and express sensibility or emotion.
2. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument doesn’t break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:
Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not our feelings are a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
Conclusion: Feelings are a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
(1) it allows you to understand how others may feel regarding the situation/topic/issue.
(2) feelings is a source of expression and everyone should be allowed to express themselves freely.
(3) being able to express your feelings enables to feel comfortable expressing yourself in other situations.
Conclusion: Feelings are not a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
(1.) People should not come to decision based on their feelings.
(2.) Feelings tend to get in the way, which at times can make it harder to come to a decision.
(3.) Feelings can lead to people getting emotional and when making decisions there should be no emotions what so ever.
Part III
1. The ability to express yourself in your own words is essential in this class. Did you put everything in your own words this time?
- The majority of everything that I wrote I wrote in my own words. There might have been a few things that I got from the sites that I visited, but I did not copy anything word for word. I expressed everything in my own thoughts and words.
2. What was easiest / hardest about this assignment?
-The easiest part of this assignment was looking up and reading the information regarding these topics. The hardest had to have been coming up with the premises for some of the arguments and making sure that they followed the rules of the argument.
3. How will you apply what you learned through this assignment to your everyday life?
- This assignment has helped me understand the different view points that there are about moral relativism, majority views and feelings. That as a person we need to be able to listen to others and what they might have to say. Even though there are people who may not necessarily agree with what you think, nor do you agree with what they have to say, but that we need to be fair and allow people to express themselves openly.
4. How well do you think you did on this assignment? Explain.
- I think I did pretty well on this assignment. I have a better understanding of the following and I explained all of my answers clearly and thoughtfully. I gave in-depth explanations and supported it with my sources.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Blog Assignment #3
1. Explain what “to give an argument” means in this book.
-The book definition "to give an argument," means to offer a set of reasons or evidence in support of a conclusion. So in other words, if you can back it up everything to are trying to say regarding an issue, you are arguing your point or getting your point across.
2. What are the reasons Weston gives in support of his claim, “arguments are essential”?
- Weston states that arguments are essential because one, it is better to find out which views are better than others. Because if you are stating your point of views, then you should be able to support them with reason as well assess it with a strong conclusion. And the 2nd reason why supporting your argument is essential, is that once we have arrived to a conclusion that is well-supported with reasons, we have to defend it. Your argument should not just repeat the conclusion, but it should also convince others with reasons and evidence.
3. Explain why many students tend to “write an essay, but not an argument”.
- Throughout grade school, many students are taught the typical and standard way of writing an essay. Students are taught to learn and absorb the information then practically regurgitate that information into an essay. Even though they are asked to argue their views on an issue, instead students only elaborate on their statements rather then argue their point of view. I can relate to these students because I myself remember being taught how to write and argumentative essay in high school, but then when I come to college I have received a few papers back that were completely marked up in red saying that, "I didn't support my reasons well enough."
4. Construct two short arguments (one "for" and one "against") as modeled in the Week 3 Assignment section in Blackboard. Put each one in "elements form".
Arguable issue: Whether or not the city of Jacksonville should permit bars to stay open till 3am.
Conclusion: That the city will pass the permit to allow bars to stay open till 3am.
Premises: It is good that the bars stay open till 3am because...
1. People who go out can enjoy themselves more on not worry about last call falling at 1:30am
2. It will bring more money to the bars.
3. Jacksonville could compete with other popular cities in attracting people sue to their time changes.
Arguable issue: Whether or not the city of Jacksonville should permit bars to stay open till 3am.
Conclusion: That the city will not pass the permit allowing bars to stay open till 3am.
Premises: It is not good that the bars stay open till 3am because...
1. It will cause more accident within the city relating to drunk driving.
2. The city is too conservative and would never consider permitting it.
3. There will be too many complaints regarding the idea and the city will over look it.
5. Review the seven rules in chapter one. Briefly discuss how your argument demonstrates that each rule was applied, in the construction of your arguments above.
- The first rule from the total seven states to distinguish premises and conclusion. For my argument i supported it with a strong conclusion and also had supporting reason. The second rule says to Present your ideas in a natural order. For my argument, my idea was simple and clear enough to understand. It flowed and followed and orderly manner. The third rule states to start from a reliable premises. Even though I have a strong conclusion, with my premises or supporting reasons, are equally as strong which enforce my argument better. The fourth rule states, to be concede and concise. What this means is that you have to have clear and organized reasons. My supporting reasons flow accordingly with my arguable issue. the fifth rule is to avoid loaded language. What this means is that your reasons needs to be strong enough to support your argument, but also simple enough so that other can understand what point you are trying to make. Rule six is, use consistent terms meaning to make sure that everything you are supporting is written or stated in a orderly manner. And the last and final rule is stick to one meaning of the term. What this means is try not to venture away from the point you are trying to make. Stick to clear and strong supportive answers.
I believe that my argument was applied in all seven of these rules giving supporting, clear and consistent reasons.
6. Review the three rules in the appendix named, “Definitions”. In your own words, discuss how you took these rules into consideration as you constructed your arguments.
- The first rule states that when terms are unclear, get specific. My arguments were supported with very specific details so that it was clear to understand what I was trying to get across. The second rule mentions that when terms are contested, work from the clear cases. My argument regarding as to whether the city should permits bars to staying open till 3am, even though it doesn't necessarily elaborate on my reasons it is also clear enough to understand the points that I am trying to get state. And the third and final rule is don't expect definitions to do the work of the argument. I feel that with my argument I am not giving definitions, but I am giving actual supportive answers and ideas that one could understand clearly.
7. Good posts demonstrate:
*Sincere reflection, effort, and analysis
*Answers that are substantial (at least one large paragraph each)
*Consistent mention, citation, and integration of the assigned readings (explained in YOUR own words, though)
*Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation
*Correctly titled posts!
How many points do you honestly feel your post this week deserves? Justify your answer.
- I feel that I deserve the full 25 points for this blog post. Not only did i support all of my answers, but I also gave numerous examples as well as strongly support my constructive argument. I put a lot of time, thought and effort into this assignment strongly hoping that as a compensation I receive the full 25 points. =)
-The book definition "to give an argument," means to offer a set of reasons or evidence in support of a conclusion. So in other words, if you can back it up everything to are trying to say regarding an issue, you are arguing your point or getting your point across.
2. What are the reasons Weston gives in support of his claim, “arguments are essential”?
- Weston states that arguments are essential because one, it is better to find out which views are better than others. Because if you are stating your point of views, then you should be able to support them with reason as well assess it with a strong conclusion. And the 2nd reason why supporting your argument is essential, is that once we have arrived to a conclusion that is well-supported with reasons, we have to defend it. Your argument should not just repeat the conclusion, but it should also convince others with reasons and evidence.
3. Explain why many students tend to “write an essay, but not an argument”.
- Throughout grade school, many students are taught the typical and standard way of writing an essay. Students are taught to learn and absorb the information then practically regurgitate that information into an essay. Even though they are asked to argue their views on an issue, instead students only elaborate on their statements rather then argue their point of view. I can relate to these students because I myself remember being taught how to write and argumentative essay in high school, but then when I come to college I have received a few papers back that were completely marked up in red saying that, "I didn't support my reasons well enough."
4. Construct two short arguments (one "for" and one "against") as modeled in the Week 3 Assignment section in Blackboard. Put each one in "elements form".
Arguable issue: Whether or not the city of Jacksonville should permit bars to stay open till 3am.
Conclusion: That the city will pass the permit to allow bars to stay open till 3am.
Premises: It is good that the bars stay open till 3am because...
1. People who go out can enjoy themselves more on not worry about last call falling at 1:30am
2. It will bring more money to the bars.
3. Jacksonville could compete with other popular cities in attracting people sue to their time changes.
Arguable issue: Whether or not the city of Jacksonville should permit bars to stay open till 3am.
Conclusion: That the city will not pass the permit allowing bars to stay open till 3am.
Premises: It is not good that the bars stay open till 3am because...
1. It will cause more accident within the city relating to drunk driving.
2. The city is too conservative and would never consider permitting it.
3. There will be too many complaints regarding the idea and the city will over look it.
5. Review the seven rules in chapter one. Briefly discuss how your argument demonstrates that each rule was applied, in the construction of your arguments above.
- The first rule from the total seven states to distinguish premises and conclusion. For my argument i supported it with a strong conclusion and also had supporting reason. The second rule says to Present your ideas in a natural order. For my argument, my idea was simple and clear enough to understand. It flowed and followed and orderly manner. The third rule states to start from a reliable premises. Even though I have a strong conclusion, with my premises or supporting reasons, are equally as strong which enforce my argument better. The fourth rule states, to be concede and concise. What this means is that you have to have clear and organized reasons. My supporting reasons flow accordingly with my arguable issue. the fifth rule is to avoid loaded language. What this means is that your reasons needs to be strong enough to support your argument, but also simple enough so that other can understand what point you are trying to make. Rule six is, use consistent terms meaning to make sure that everything you are supporting is written or stated in a orderly manner. And the last and final rule is stick to one meaning of the term. What this means is try not to venture away from the point you are trying to make. Stick to clear and strong supportive answers.
I believe that my argument was applied in all seven of these rules giving supporting, clear and consistent reasons.
6. Review the three rules in the appendix named, “Definitions”. In your own words, discuss how you took these rules into consideration as you constructed your arguments.
- The first rule states that when terms are unclear, get specific. My arguments were supported with very specific details so that it was clear to understand what I was trying to get across. The second rule mentions that when terms are contested, work from the clear cases. My argument regarding as to whether the city should permits bars to staying open till 3am, even though it doesn't necessarily elaborate on my reasons it is also clear enough to understand the points that I am trying to get state. And the third and final rule is don't expect definitions to do the work of the argument. I feel that with my argument I am not giving definitions, but I am giving actual supportive answers and ideas that one could understand clearly.
7. Good posts demonstrate:
*Sincere reflection, effort, and analysis
*Answers that are substantial (at least one large paragraph each)
*Consistent mention, citation, and integration of the assigned readings (explained in YOUR own words, though)
*Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation
*Correctly titled posts!
How many points do you honestly feel your post this week deserves? Justify your answer.
- I feel that I deserve the full 25 points for this blog post. Not only did i support all of my answers, but I also gave numerous examples as well as strongly support my constructive argument. I put a lot of time, thought and effort into this assignment strongly hoping that as a compensation I receive the full 25 points. =)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Blog Assignment #2
1. Were the questions on the Moral Sense Test difficult to answer (psychologically, emotionally, conceptually, technically, etc.)? Why or why not? Do you think your responses to the Moral Sense Test questions were consistent? Does this matter?
-I do not feel that the questions were at all difficult to answer. They did require some thought as if the decisions that I made would make me seem immorally wrong, but the questions did make you think about how you would resolve the situation. I thought that all of the questions were pretty consistent in that they all had some sort of bad out come. Basically, would you be the hero or the bad guy? Depending on how bad the situation is when I think it matters. Other than that, probably not.
2. Should people always follow the law? Why or why not? When might one be justified in NOT following the law? Give examples.
- Well, we can all agree and say that we do not follow the laws all the time. There have been moments in every one's life where we have broken it in some way. Like stated before, I think it all depends. Yes, I think that people should follow the laws when they are "MAJOR" ones. For example, Breaking into a store and stealing something from there. If it is something in that nature, well then yes! If you were to get caught you should get in trouble. You broke the law. Now, if it is something like you were driving 5mph or maybe 10mph over speed limit and you get a $180 ticket, that is a bit ridiculous!! Another thing, I really never understood what those tags that are attached to mattresses were about. They state in big bold letters, "that if you remove this it is against the law and you can be fined." What is that all about?? How are you going to get in trouble after ripping the tag of your mattress that you just purchased? If that is even a law, I think it should be banished!
3. In your own words, explain what "social convention" means. Give examples.
- My definition of "social convention" is a group people who tend to follow the same beliefs, culture or way of living. For example, church can be considered a social convention. People come together, who all have similar or nearly the same beliefs and gather on a weekly basis to share or celebrate their beliefs. It all depends on the people and what they like.
4. Should people always follow the conventions of their society? Why or why not? Give examples.
-If they feel that their society brings them happiness and joy and they do not disagree with anything that they do or who they might associate with, then yes. Why not? On the other hand, if they do not agree with everything that the conventions of their society does or believes, then I feel that they have the right to leave. Cults, are a perfect example of a social convention. There are people in cults who agree and believe in the rules and way of living that takes place. While others may not agree with everything that their cult does. So they decide to leave or not participate in their actions or beliefs.
5. Should people always follow their own principles? Why or why not? Give examples.
- I strongly believe that people should follow their own principles. In my mind it is always better to be a leader than a follower. If you strongly believe in something, someone should not try to change them. That doesn't necessarily mean that you do not have to knock their beliefs either. Religion is the perfect example for this situation. Everyone has their own thoughts and beliefs, but I do not feel that anyone has the right to change them.
6. Explain in your own words the difference between socially acceptable, legally acceptable, and morally acceptable.
- Socially acceptable is when the people who you surround yourself with on a daily basis accept you as a person. Everyone deals with it, whether they are at school, work, playing sports or any other activity. Legally acceptable in my opinion is when you are accepted by the people of law. (not too sure about that one) And morally acceptable in my thoughts is when you feel that the people who you surround yourself with accept you for who you are no matter what situation you ever may be in.
7. Out of 25 points, how many points do you feel your work on this assignment deserves? Justify your answer.
-25 points would be ideal, but question #6 i was not too sure about. Especially with my definition of legally acceptable. So if i get in the 20-25 point range I can accept that as well. I did answer all of the questions with complete honesty, including examples with numerous thoughts that I had.
-I do not feel that the questions were at all difficult to answer. They did require some thought as if the decisions that I made would make me seem immorally wrong, but the questions did make you think about how you would resolve the situation. I thought that all of the questions were pretty consistent in that they all had some sort of bad out come. Basically, would you be the hero or the bad guy? Depending on how bad the situation is when I think it matters. Other than that, probably not.
2. Should people always follow the law? Why or why not? When might one be justified in NOT following the law? Give examples.
- Well, we can all agree and say that we do not follow the laws all the time. There have been moments in every one's life where we have broken it in some way. Like stated before, I think it all depends. Yes, I think that people should follow the laws when they are "MAJOR" ones. For example, Breaking into a store and stealing something from there. If it is something in that nature, well then yes! If you were to get caught you should get in trouble. You broke the law. Now, if it is something like you were driving 5mph or maybe 10mph over speed limit and you get a $180 ticket, that is a bit ridiculous!! Another thing, I really never understood what those tags that are attached to mattresses were about. They state in big bold letters, "that if you remove this it is against the law and you can be fined." What is that all about?? How are you going to get in trouble after ripping the tag of your mattress that you just purchased? If that is even a law, I think it should be banished!
3. In your own words, explain what "social convention" means. Give examples.
- My definition of "social convention" is a group people who tend to follow the same beliefs, culture or way of living. For example, church can be considered a social convention. People come together, who all have similar or nearly the same beliefs and gather on a weekly basis to share or celebrate their beliefs. It all depends on the people and what they like.
4. Should people always follow the conventions of their society? Why or why not? Give examples.
-If they feel that their society brings them happiness and joy and they do not disagree with anything that they do or who they might associate with, then yes. Why not? On the other hand, if they do not agree with everything that the conventions of their society does or believes, then I feel that they have the right to leave. Cults, are a perfect example of a social convention. There are people in cults who agree and believe in the rules and way of living that takes place. While others may not agree with everything that their cult does. So they decide to leave or not participate in their actions or beliefs.
5. Should people always follow their own principles? Why or why not? Give examples.
- I strongly believe that people should follow their own principles. In my mind it is always better to be a leader than a follower. If you strongly believe in something, someone should not try to change them. That doesn't necessarily mean that you do not have to knock their beliefs either. Religion is the perfect example for this situation. Everyone has their own thoughts and beliefs, but I do not feel that anyone has the right to change them.
6. Explain in your own words the difference between socially acceptable, legally acceptable, and morally acceptable.
- Socially acceptable is when the people who you surround yourself with on a daily basis accept you as a person. Everyone deals with it, whether they are at school, work, playing sports or any other activity. Legally acceptable in my opinion is when you are accepted by the people of law. (not too sure about that one) And morally acceptable in my thoughts is when you feel that the people who you surround yourself with accept you for who you are no matter what situation you ever may be in.
7. Out of 25 points, how many points do you feel your work on this assignment deserves? Justify your answer.
-25 points would be ideal, but question #6 i was not too sure about. Especially with my definition of legally acceptable. So if i get in the 20-25 point range I can accept that as well. I did answer all of the questions with complete honesty, including examples with numerous thoughts that I had.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Blog Assignment #1
1. How would you have explained the meaning of the term "ethics", before taking this class?
- Before entering this course, I felt that the meaning of the term "ethics" was how people viewed ideas or situations to be either right or wrong, depending on their values.
2. What are some of your deepest held values?
- Some of my deepest held values is my family and my friends. I am very thankful for all of them being in my life and take into deep consideration and thought the advice that I am given from them. My family has brought me up and supported me to the person that I am today and my friends are my backbones. They have helped me out in some of my toughest situations that I have faced.
3. What are some main principles you try to live your life by?
- Some of the main principles that I try to live my life by are:
1. Treat and respect others as I would like to be treated.
2. Value everyday that is given to you, because you never know when one day could be your last.
3. Work hard and play harder.
4. And to be thankful for everything that I have received in my life. Because there are moments where I realize that nothing in life is just given to you. You have to work hard to get what you want.
4. What moral qualities do you look for in others?
- When it comes to qualities in others, I try to look for the basic. That they are kind, respectful, that they don't take things too too seriously and that they can laugh at a joke every now then. There are moments in our life where we just need to laugh! =)
5. How were your values and principles developed?
- My values and principles were developed through my parents and older siblings. through them, they have taught me right from wrong and have encouraged and supported me through everything that I have encountered.
6. How have your values and principles changed throughout your life so far?
- My principles and values haven't changed much through my life. The only thing is that I try not to make quick judgments about certain things or situations. I still believe and stick to certain morals, but have also loosened up on a few.
7. Out of 25 points, how many points do you feel your work on this assignment deserves? Justify your answer.
- 25 for sure! I felt that I was completely honest with all of my answers and supported them with enough detail and explanation.
- Before entering this course, I felt that the meaning of the term "ethics" was how people viewed ideas or situations to be either right or wrong, depending on their values.
2. What are some of your deepest held values?
- Some of my deepest held values is my family and my friends. I am very thankful for all of them being in my life and take into deep consideration and thought the advice that I am given from them. My family has brought me up and supported me to the person that I am today and my friends are my backbones. They have helped me out in some of my toughest situations that I have faced.
3. What are some main principles you try to live your life by?
- Some of the main principles that I try to live my life by are:
1. Treat and respect others as I would like to be treated.
2. Value everyday that is given to you, because you never know when one day could be your last.
3. Work hard and play harder.
4. And to be thankful for everything that I have received in my life. Because there are moments where I realize that nothing in life is just given to you. You have to work hard to get what you want.
4. What moral qualities do you look for in others?
- When it comes to qualities in others, I try to look for the basic. That they are kind, respectful, that they don't take things too too seriously and that they can laugh at a joke every now then. There are moments in our life where we just need to laugh! =)
5. How were your values and principles developed?
- My values and principles were developed through my parents and older siblings. through them, they have taught me right from wrong and have encouraged and supported me through everything that I have encountered.
6. How have your values and principles changed throughout your life so far?
- My principles and values haven't changed much through my life. The only thing is that I try not to make quick judgments about certain things or situations. I still believe and stick to certain morals, but have also loosened up on a few.
7. Out of 25 points, how many points do you feel your work on this assignment deserves? Justify your answer.
- 25 for sure! I felt that I was completely honest with all of my answers and supported them with enough detail and explanation.
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